Information about changing the company's contact phone number!
- January 01, 2025
Dear customers and partners!
We would like to inform you that as of December 2, 2025, our contact phone number is changing. Now you don't need to look for separate numbers to resolve issues, because our number is a universal communication channel. You have the opportunity to quickly receive feedback from our company.
The new number is +38 (044) 303 90 43.
By calling +38 (044) 303 90 43, you can:
• find out current information about products and cooperation;
• leave your suggestions, comments or wishes;
• get information about employment and current vacancies.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. All other contact details of the company remain unchanged.
Working hours: Mon - Sat 9:00 - 19:00
Sunday is a day off
We are grateful for your cooperation and trust in our company!
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