We've got a new mustard product!
- July 08, 2017
Starting next week (July 10, 2017), a new CHUGUIV EXTRА mustard product will be available. This a French-style mustard relish, appropriately named 'Frantsuzka' (French). This new mustard product is made of of whole seeds of white (yellow) and black (French or brown) mustard and has a pleasant, slightly spicy, and subtle taste that would not make you go catching your breath, but allow instead to enjoy it in its wholeness. The new mustard will be available in 180 g twist-off glass jars (net weight).
But this not all that concerns mustard: starting next week, we also add a new package option for our Slobozhanska Mustard, which will now be available in large 720 g plastic bottles, too.
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